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دوشنبه 10 اردیبهشتماه سال 1386 20:36
18 th April 2007 Love and faith are the cardinal principles for redeeming human life. My Life is My Message. I love everyone; that is My very nature. All are Mine whether they call Me by this name or any other name or by no name at all! Divinity is the primal source of universal love. Faith in Divinity is the key to...
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دوشنبه 10 اردیبهشتماه سال 1386 20:35
17 th April 2007 Brahman (Divinity) cannot be seen through the eyes, for Brahman is that which enables the eyes to see and the ears to hear. It can be known only through tapas (penance). No other means can help. Everything in the universe originates from Brahman, exists in Brahman, unfolds through Brahman and merges...
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یکشنبه 9 اردیبهشتماه سال 1386 11:34
16 th April 2007 The Vedas lay down four goals before man: Dharma (righteousness), Artha (wealth), Kama (desire) and Moksha (liberation). But they have to be pursued in pairs, Dharma and Artha together and Kama and Moksha together. That is to say, Artha has to be earned through Dharma, and Kama has to be for Moksha....
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یکشنبه 9 اردیبهشتماه سال 1386 11:33
15 th April 2007 The educated man must be able to distinguish between the momentary and the momentous, the effervescent and the lasting. He must not run after glitter and glamour but seek instead the good and golden. He must know how to keep the body in good trim, the senses under strict control, the mind well within...
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شنبه 25 فروردینماه سال 1386 13:56
14 th April 2007Tamil New Year and Vishu This New Year Day proclaims the truth that God is the Master of Time. Unfortunately, man fails to understand the power of God. He wastes three quarters of his time in unworthy earthly pursuits. Spiritual pursuit is the right way of making use of time. It calls for cultivating...
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جمعه 24 فروردینماه سال 1386 18:17
13 th April 2007 There are three lines along which endeavor has to be directed: (1) Spiritual exercises and discipline, (2) Cultivation of detachment, (3) Development of confidence in one's Self. Without these three, life is a wearisome and wasteful journey. Renunciation - that is the virtue you need for spiritual...
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جمعه 24 فروردینماه سال 1386 18:16
12 th April 2007 You are engaged in service, singing Bhajans and undertaking various spiritual practices. What benefit have you derived from these activities? Only when good feelings emerge from you, you get rich rewards. After sowing a neem seed, you cannot expect a mango fruit. As is the seed, so is the tree....
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جمعه 24 فروردینماه سال 1386 18:14
11 th April 2007 Have the Name of God on your tongue, in your breath, ever. That will invoke His Form as the inner core of everything. That will provide you with His company, and contact with His boundless energy and bliss. That is the Sathsang (good association) which gives you maximum benefit. Converse with God who...
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جمعه 24 فروردینماه سال 1386 18:13
10 th April 2007 Absolute purity or perfection is not beyond man's capacity. It is possible for him to be perfect. But to attain the zenith of truth, beauty and goodness, man has to struggle hard. He should develop deep understanding, follow hard discipline and put in ceaseless effort. Man should regard himself as a...
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دوشنبه 20 فروردینماه سال 1386 20:27
9 th April 2007 National service implies service to every individual in the nation. Whoever undertakes national service should realise that he is serving himself when serving others because he is a part of the nation. This realisation itself will be a great service to the nation. Very often, men tend to cloak their...
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دوشنبه 20 فروردینماه سال 1386 20:26
8 th April 2007 Today people study the Vedas and other scriptures as a ritual; they do not put into practice any of their injunctions. Of what avail is it merely to know how the Vedas and Upanishads have described the Divine when this knowledge is not reflected in one's life? Such a person is like a blind man who...
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شنبه 18 فروردینماه سال 1386 15:43
7 th April 2007 When the sun is over your head, there will be no shadow. So, too, when faith is steady in your heart, it will not cast any shadow of doubt. Do not talk ill of others; talk only of the good in them. All are good. If you see bad in them, it is because there is bad in you. If you do not like someone, do...
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شنبه 18 فروردینماه سال 1386 15:42
6 th April 2007 The proof of true devotion is in the peace of mind that the aspirant has been able to attain; the peace which makes him unruffled by loss and dishonor; the peace that is not disturbed by anger, hatred, jealousy, conceit and lower passions; the peace which makes him feel tranquil, unconcerned and...
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پنجشنبه 16 فروردینماه سال 1386 12:34
5 th April 2007 It may take many lives for a man before he knows what is best for him, and is able to chalk out his own future without harming himself or others, that he is aware of the pitfalls on the way. So, it is best to trust the experience of the sages, who were filled with compassion and who were moved out of...
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چهارشنبه 15 فروردینماه سال 1386 12:46
4 th April 2007 The mansion of human life rests on the four pillars of truth, righteousness, love and peace. The safety and security of life depend on these four values. Since ancient times, the culture of Bharat has been able to sustain itself as it is built on the bedrock of these values. Our ancestors led their...
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چهارشنبه 15 فروردینماه سال 1386 11:52
3 rd April 2007 The word 'Adhyatmic' or spiritual is used often by aspirants and preceptors. What exactly is implied by Adhyatmic? Is Bhajan or congregational prayer Adhyatmic? Or, does it involve Japa (repetition of God's name) and Dhyana (meditation)? Or, does it denote religious rituals and ceremonies? Or, does it...
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چهارشنبه 15 فروردینماه سال 1386 11:51
2 nd April 2007 It is impossible for anyone to demarcate what exactly Bhakti (devotion) is and what is not. Bhakti has infinite facets. Only pure, tender, tolerant, calm and loving souls, the very cream of Sadhus (holy men), the Hamsas (realised persons) sporting ever in the company of kindred Bhaktas, can understand...
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چهارشنبه 15 فروردینماه سال 1386 11:51
1 st April 2007 Self-knowledge is that knowledge by acquiring which everything else becomes known. A person with self-knowledge can indeed be acclaimed as all-knowing. Secular learning cannot confer on us abiding and absolute peace. Self-knowledge alone can help us cross the sea of sorrow. So, all should strive to...
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چهارشنبه 15 فروردینماه سال 1386 11:50
31 st March 2007 Students have to understand the purpose of education, put their knowledge into practice and experience bliss therefrom. Education which is not used for the welfare of society is no education at all. You can be called truly educated only when your education benefits society at large and you become the...
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سهشنبه 14 فروردینماه سال 1386 12:24
30 th March 2007 Sanctify all the limbs of the body in selfless activity. But it is not that easy to practise this because there is always some self-interest in whatever man does. Self-interest is also necessary, but it should be within certain limits. God is the ocean of bliss. As is the size of your container, so is...
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سهشنبه 14 فروردینماه سال 1386 12:20
29 th March 2007 Today religion is regarded as the cause for all conflict, violence and bitterness in the world. But, Matham (religion) is not the actual cause. Mathulu (Selfish minds) are responsible for all the conflicts. If you desire to secure genuine peace in the world, you should not have antipathy towards any...
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سهشنبه 14 فروردینماه سال 1386 12:18
28 th March 2007 God has no distinctions or differences. No one can stipulate do's and don’ts for Him. He can do anything, as He is in everything and is everything. He has no master above Him. If man wants to visualise God, he will see Him only in the form of a human being who is far superior to him in all respects....
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سهشنبه 14 فروردینماه سال 1386 12:17
27 th March 2007 Sri Rama Navami The Ramayana teaches the principles of Dharma and the path of duty to every individual. Though aeons have passed by, the Ramayana remains relevant even to this day, guiding humanity on the path of truth and righteousness. Even today the characters of Ramayana are respected and revered....
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جمعه 10 فروردینماه سال 1386 17:12
26 th March 2007 Suppose there is a plate, tumbler and spoon made of silver. Their names and forms are different, but silver is common to all of them. Names and forms change but silver remains unchanged. Likewise, a child becomes a boy, then a man and later on, an old man. The form keeps changing but the spirit...
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جمعه 10 فروردینماه سال 1386 17:06
25 th March 2007 What is Prajnana? Prajnanam Brahma (Consciousness is Brahman). Prajnana is the unchanging and eternal principle, which is in you at all times and under all circumstances. People call it supreme knowledge but the correct translation for this term is Constant-Integrated-Awareness. Just as the air is...
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جمعه 10 فروردینماه سال 1386 17:04
24 th March 2007 Whatever we see in others is only a reflection of our own self. If we accuse somebody as bad, it is just that our feeling toward that person is bad. Whatever impression we have about others is a reflection of our feeling towards them. Everything is just reflection, reaction and resound. Therefore, you...
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جمعه 10 فروردینماه سال 1386 17:04
23 rd March 2007 A deep enquiry into the principles of science and spirituality will reveal that the atom is the basis of everything in this world. Even the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, are all constituted by atoms. But there is something more subtle and fundamental than even the atom....
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جمعه 10 فروردینماه سال 1386 17:01
22 nd March 2007 God has many invaluable things in His stores. You ask Him for paltry and insignificant things because you do not know what precious gifts He can bestow upon you. There is no dearth of anything in His store. Therefore, you should not ask God for anything in specific. When the time is ripe, He will give...
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جمعه 10 فروردینماه سال 1386 16:59
21 st March 2007 One can attain divinity only when one has steady faith. First of all, one should have faith in oneself. Develop self-confidence, which will lead to self-satisfaction. When you have self-satisfaction, you will be prepared for self-sacrifice. Only through self-sacrifice, can one attain self-realisation....
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جمعه 10 فروردینماه سال 1386 16:59
20 th March 2007 Ugadi You have heard about the four aeons called Krita Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga and Kali Yuga. These are not distinct from each other. Be it Krita Yuga or Kali Yuga, it has no separate form. The Yuga is named according to the conduct of the people at the time. Even during Krita Yuga there were...